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Legal Forms

Arizona Courts | Tenancy Forms – AOCLJEA2F

Published On: June 11th, 2024

AOCLJEA2F – Complaint (Eviction Action) – Arizona

The AOCLJEA2F – Complaint (Eviction Action) for Arizona is a legal document used by landlords to initiate eviction proceedings against tenants. The form AOCLJEA2F includes fields for the plaintiff’s (landlord’s) and defendant’s (tenant’s) personal information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. It also requires details about the rental property, such as its location and business name if applicable.

Key sections of the form are:

  1. Jurisdiction and Property Information: Confirms the court’s jurisdiction and provides the rental property’s address.
  2. Reasons for Eviction: Allows the landlord to specify the grounds for eviction, including non-payment of rent, non-compliance with rental terms, or irreparable breaches.
  3. Notice of Eviction: Details about the notice served to the tenant, including the method and date of service.
  4. Claim Details: Lists the amounts owed by the tenant, including rent, late fees, utilities, other fees or charges, and any rental concessions.
  5. Writ of Restitution: Requests the court to issue a writ to return possession of the rental property to the landlord within a specified timeframe after the judgment.

The form concludes with a declaration by the plaintiff that the information provided is true and correct, a section for the plaintiff’s signature, and an option to request interpreter services if needed.

Filling Out the Complaint (Eviction Action)

Section 1: Personal Information

  • Person Filing: Enter your full name.
  • Address: Provide your complete address, unless it’s protected.
  • City, State, Zip Code: Fill in your city, state, and zip code.
  • Telephone: Enter your phone number.
  • Email Address: Provide your email address.
  • Representing: Check whether you are representing yourself or are a lawyer representing the plaintiff. If a lawyer, provide the bar number. 

Section 2: Court Information

  • Justice Court Information: Fill in the name, address, phone number, fax, email, and website of the Justice Court handling the eviction.

Section 3: Plaintiff and Defendant Information

  • Plaintiff(s) Name / Address / Phone / Email: Enter your information as the plaintiff (landlord).
  • Defendant(s) Name / Address / Phone / Email: Enter the tenant’s information.

Section 4: Case Details

  • Case Number: Leave this blank; it will be filled out by the court.
  • Complaint (Eviction Action): Check whether this is an immediate or residential eviction action.

Section 5: Property and Jurisdiction

  • Property Information: Provide the address of the rental property and the business name, if any.
  • Jurisdiction: Confirm that the rental property is within the court’s judicial precinct.

Section 6: Notice of Eviction

  • Date of Notice: Fill in the date the eviction notice was served.
  • Method of Service: Check the method used to serve the notice (hand, certified mail, or other) and provide an explanation if “other” is selected.
  • Copy of Notice: Attach a copy of the eviction notice.

Section 7: Reasons for Eviction

  • Non-Subsidized Housing: If applicable, provide the unpaid rent details, including the start date of non-payment, prior balance, rent amount, due date, and late fees.
  • Subsidized Housing: If applicable, provide details about the tenant’s portion of rent, housing assistance payment, and the total amount owed by the tenant.
  • Non-Compliance: Specify the tenant’s failures and the dates and locations of non-compliance.
  • Irreparable Breach: Describe the breach, including the date and location of the incident.
  • Other Allegations: Provide any additional non-compliance issues and attach relevant notices.

Section 8: Amounts Owed

  • Rent: State the total rent owed, including current and prior months.
  • Late Fees: List any late fees as per the rental agreement.
  • Utilities: Include any utility charges authorized by law.
  • Other Fees: Add any other fees or charges authorized by law.
  • Rental Concessions: Specify any rental concessions and how they were calculated.
  • Court Costs: List reimbursable court costs.
  • Attorney’s Fees: Include attorney’s fees if allowed.
  • Other Damages: State other damages as authorized by law.
  • Total Amount Requested: Calculate the total amount requested for judgment.

Section 9: Judgment and Writ of Restitution

  • Request for Judgment: State the request for a judgment for the amounts owed and possession of the rental.
  • Writ of Restitution: Request the court issue a Writ of Restitution to return the rental property to the plaintiff’s possession within the specified timeframe.

Section 10: Signature

  • Date: Enter the date you are signing the complaint.
  • Signature: Sign your name as the plaintiff or attorney for the plaintiff.

Section 11: Interpreter Services

  • Interpreter Services: Indicate if interpreter services are needed and specify the language.

Review the completed form to ensure all information is accurate and complete before filing it with the appropriate Justice Court in Arizona. Attach all necessary documents, including copies of notices served to the tenant.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Arizona Courts | Tenancy Forms – AOCLJEA2F

Published On: June 11th, 2024

AOCLJEA2F – Complaint (Eviction Action) – Arizona

The AOCLJEA2F – Complaint (Eviction Action) for Arizona is a legal document used by landlords to initiate eviction proceedings against tenants. The form AOCLJEA2F includes fields for the plaintiff’s (landlord’s) and defendant’s (tenant’s) personal information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. It also requires details about the rental property, such as its location and business name if applicable.

Key sections of the form are:

  1. Jurisdiction and Property Information: Confirms the court’s jurisdiction and provides the rental property’s address.
  2. Reasons for Eviction: Allows the landlord to specify the grounds for eviction, including non-payment of rent, non-compliance with rental terms, or irreparable breaches.
  3. Notice of Eviction: Details about the notice served to the tenant, including the method and date of service.
  4. Claim Details: Lists the amounts owed by the tenant, including rent, late fees, utilities, other fees or charges, and any rental concessions.
  5. Writ of Restitution: Requests the court to issue a writ to return possession of the rental property to the landlord within a specified timeframe after the judgment.

The form concludes with a declaration by the plaintiff that the information provided is true and correct, a section for the plaintiff’s signature, and an option to request interpreter services if needed.

Filling Out the Complaint (Eviction Action)

Section 1: Personal Information

  • Person Filing: Enter your full name.
  • Address: Provide your complete address, unless it’s protected.
  • City, State, Zip Code: Fill in your city, state, and zip code.
  • Telephone: Enter your phone number.
  • Email Address: Provide your email address.
  • Representing: Check whether you are representing yourself or are a lawyer representing the plaintiff. If a lawyer, provide the bar number. 

Section 2: Court Information

  • Justice Court Information: Fill in the name, address, phone number, fax, email, and website of the Justice Court handling the eviction.

Section 3: Plaintiff and Defendant Information

  • Plaintiff(s) Name / Address / Phone / Email: Enter your information as the plaintiff (landlord).
  • Defendant(s) Name / Address / Phone / Email: Enter the tenant’s information.

Section 4: Case Details

  • Case Number: Leave this blank; it will be filled out by the court.
  • Complaint (Eviction Action): Check whether this is an immediate or residential eviction action.

Section 5: Property and Jurisdiction

  • Property Information: Provide the address of the rental property and the business name, if any.
  • Jurisdiction: Confirm that the rental property is within the court’s judicial precinct.

Section 6: Notice of Eviction

  • Date of Notice: Fill in the date the eviction notice was served.
  • Method of Service: Check the method used to serve the notice (hand, certified mail, or other) and provide an explanation if “other” is selected.
  • Copy of Notice: Attach a copy of the eviction notice.

Section 7: Reasons for Eviction

  • Non-Subsidized Housing: If applicable, provide the unpaid rent details, including the start date of non-payment, prior balance, rent amount, due date, and late fees.
  • Subsidized Housing: If applicable, provide details about the tenant’s portion of rent, housing assistance payment, and the total amount owed by the tenant.
  • Non-Compliance: Specify the tenant’s failures and the dates and locations of non-compliance.
  • Irreparable Breach: Describe the breach, including the date and location of the incident.
  • Other Allegations: Provide any additional non-compliance issues and attach relevant notices.

Section 8: Amounts Owed

  • Rent: State the total rent owed, including current and prior months.
  • Late Fees: List any late fees as per the rental agreement.
  • Utilities: Include any utility charges authorized by law.
  • Other Fees: Add any other fees or charges authorized by law.
  • Rental Concessions: Specify any rental concessions and how they were calculated.
  • Court Costs: List reimbursable court costs.
  • Attorney’s Fees: Include attorney’s fees if allowed.
  • Other Damages: State other damages as authorized by law.
  • Total Amount Requested: Calculate the total amount requested for judgment.

Section 9: Judgment and Writ of Restitution

  • Request for Judgment: State the request for a judgment for the amounts owed and possession of the rental.
  • Writ of Restitution: Request the court issue a Writ of Restitution to return the rental property to the plaintiff’s possession within the specified timeframe.

Section 10: Signature

  • Date: Enter the date you are signing the complaint.
  • Signature: Sign your name as the plaintiff or attorney for the plaintiff.

Section 11: Interpreter Services

  • Interpreter Services: Indicate if interpreter services are needed and specify the language.

Review the completed form to ensure all information is accurate and complete before filing it with the appropriate Justice Court in Arizona. Attach all necessary documents, including copies of notices served to the tenant.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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