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Legal Forms

Florida Bar | Tenancy Forms – Form 13

Published On: June 10th, 2024

Form 13 – Satisfaction Of Judgment – County Court in Florida

Form 13 is a legal document used within the Florida County Courts to officially acknowledge the full payment of a monetary judgment, including interest. This form, referred to as the “Satisfaction of Judgment,” is executed by the judgment holder once the debtor has paid the judgment in full. The completion and recording of this document are critical as it needs to be filed in the same counties where a certified copy of the original judgment was recorded.

Failure to properly execute and record a Satisfaction of Judgment can result in civil actions where the prevailing party could be entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs. This form is essential for both parties involved in the judgment as it provides a formal closure to financial obligations under a court ruling. It includes spaces for the insertion of county details, party names (plaintiff and defendant), case number, and signatures, including those of witnesses and a notary public.

The form is structured to comply with Florida statutes Sections 55.141 and 701.04 and must be used according to the rules regulating the Florida Bar. It also allows for the identification of the individual assisting with the form’s completion, including their name, address, and telephone number. The form is a necessary tool in the administration of justice, ensuring that all parties acknowledge the settlement of financial judgments officially.

In Florida, a “Notice of Satisfaction of Judgment” is a formal declaration indicating that a judgment debtor has fully paid the judgment amount to the judgment creditor. This notice serves as a legal document to acknowledge that the debt obligation has been satisfied, and it helps ensure that the judgment is marked as cleared in the public record.

Additionally, an “Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment” is a formal document issued by a judgment creditor, stating that the judgment debtor has fully satisfied the obligations outlined in a court judgment. This acknowledgment is critical in the legal process as it officially communicates to the court and other relevant parties that the debt has been paid, and it can remove or mitigate any related liens or encumbrances on the debtor’s property.

Steps to Fill Out the Form 13

County and Court Details

  • Top of the Form: Enter the name of the county where the original judgment was filed. This should be filled in at the top of the form where it says “IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR ______ COUNTY, FLORIDA.”

Party Details

  • Plaintiff(s) and Defendant(s): Fill in the names of the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s) as listed in the original judgment. These should be entered in the respective fields under the headers “Plaintiff(s)” and “vs. Defendant(s).”

Case Number

  • Case Number: Enter the case number associated with the original judgment. This is critical for record-keeping and identification.

Payment Confirmation

  • Statement of Satisfaction: The person filling out the form (either the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s agent) must sign to acknowledge that the full payment of the judgment has been received. This part includes specifying the date of the original judgment and the date on which the judgment was fully paid.
  • Signature: The plaintiff or their agent must sign the form, indicating their role (individually or as agent of the plaintiff).

Witness Details

  • Witness Signatures: Two witnesses must sign the form to attest to the correctness and authenticity of the statement of satisfaction.

Notary Public

  • Acknowledgment: The form must be acknowledged before a notary public. The notary will confirm the identity of the signer (plaintiff or agent) and witness the signature.
  • Notary Details: Fill in the date of acknowledgment, the name of the person acknowledged, and details of any identification provided. The notary must also fill in their name, commission number, and the expiration date of their commission.

Assistance Information

  • Assistant’s Details: If someone assisted in completing the form, their name, address, and telephone number should be provided at the bottom of the form.

Final Steps

  • Review and Double-Check: Ensure all the information is correct and complete.
  • Record the Satisfaction: Once the form is fully completed and signed, it must be recorded in the county or counties where the original judgment was recorded.

Note: This form is approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. Ensure compliance with all current Florida statutes and consult legal counsel if necessary.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Florida Bar | Tenancy Forms – Form 13

Published On: June 10th, 2024

Form 13 – Satisfaction Of Judgment – County Court in Florida

Form 13 is a legal document used within the Florida County Courts to officially acknowledge the full payment of a monetary judgment, including interest. This form, referred to as the “Satisfaction of Judgment,” is executed by the judgment holder once the debtor has paid the judgment in full. The completion and recording of this document are critical as it needs to be filed in the same counties where a certified copy of the original judgment was recorded.

Failure to properly execute and record a Satisfaction of Judgment can result in civil actions where the prevailing party could be entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs. This form is essential for both parties involved in the judgment as it provides a formal closure to financial obligations under a court ruling. It includes spaces for the insertion of county details, party names (plaintiff and defendant), case number, and signatures, including those of witnesses and a notary public.

The form is structured to comply with Florida statutes Sections 55.141 and 701.04 and must be used according to the rules regulating the Florida Bar. It also allows for the identification of the individual assisting with the form’s completion, including their name, address, and telephone number. The form is a necessary tool in the administration of justice, ensuring that all parties acknowledge the settlement of financial judgments officially.

In Florida, a “Notice of Satisfaction of Judgment” is a formal declaration indicating that a judgment debtor has fully paid the judgment amount to the judgment creditor. This notice serves as a legal document to acknowledge that the debt obligation has been satisfied, and it helps ensure that the judgment is marked as cleared in the public record.

Additionally, an “Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment” is a formal document issued by a judgment creditor, stating that the judgment debtor has fully satisfied the obligations outlined in a court judgment. This acknowledgment is critical in the legal process as it officially communicates to the court and other relevant parties that the debt has been paid, and it can remove or mitigate any related liens or encumbrances on the debtor’s property.

Steps to Fill Out the Form 13

County and Court Details

  • Top of the Form: Enter the name of the county where the original judgment was filed. This should be filled in at the top of the form where it says “IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR ______ COUNTY, FLORIDA.”

Party Details

  • Plaintiff(s) and Defendant(s): Fill in the names of the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s) as listed in the original judgment. These should be entered in the respective fields under the headers “Plaintiff(s)” and “vs. Defendant(s).”

Case Number

  • Case Number: Enter the case number associated with the original judgment. This is critical for record-keeping and identification.

Payment Confirmation

  • Statement of Satisfaction: The person filling out the form (either the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s agent) must sign to acknowledge that the full payment of the judgment has been received. This part includes specifying the date of the original judgment and the date on which the judgment was fully paid.
  • Signature: The plaintiff or their agent must sign the form, indicating their role (individually or as agent of the plaintiff).

Witness Details

  • Witness Signatures: Two witnesses must sign the form to attest to the correctness and authenticity of the statement of satisfaction.

Notary Public

  • Acknowledgment: The form must be acknowledged before a notary public. The notary will confirm the identity of the signer (plaintiff or agent) and witness the signature.
  • Notary Details: Fill in the date of acknowledgment, the name of the person acknowledged, and details of any identification provided. The notary must also fill in their name, commission number, and the expiration date of their commission.

Assistance Information

  • Assistant’s Details: If someone assisted in completing the form, their name, address, and telephone number should be provided at the bottom of the form.

Final Steps

  • Review and Double-Check: Ensure all the information is correct and complete.
  • Record the Satisfaction: Once the form is fully completed and signed, it must be recorded in the county or counties where the original judgment was recorded.

Note: This form is approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. Ensure compliance with all current Florida statutes and consult legal counsel if necessary.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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