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Legal Forms

New Jersey | Tenancy Forms – Form 10822

Published On: July 10th, 2024

10822 – Tenancy Summons and Return of Service – App XI – B – New Jersey

The 10822 – Tenancy Summons and Return of Service (Appendix XI-B, R. 6:2-1) form is a legal document used by the Superior Court of New Jersey’s Law Division, Special Civil Part, in landlord-tenant disputes. Revised on July 14, 2020, this public document initiates the legal process to permanently remove a tenant and their belongings from a rental property. This form is essential for ensuring tenants are formally notified of the landlord’s legal action and for documenting the service process.

Filling out this form correctly is crucial for ensuring proper legal procedures in landlord-tenant disputes. Follow these steps to complete the form accurately:

Plaintiff or Filing Attorney Information

  • Name: Enter the full name of the plaintiff or the filing attorney.
  • NJ Attorney ID Number: If an attorney is filing, enter their New Jersey Attorney ID number.
  • Address: Provide the complete mailing address.
  • Email: Enter a valid email address for correspondence.
  • Telephone Number: Provide a phone number where the plaintiff or attorney can be reached.

Docket Number

  • Leave this section blank as it will be provided by the court.


  • Enter the full name(s) of the plaintiff(s).


  • Enter the full name(s) of the defendant(s) (tenant(s)).

Defendant Information

  • Name: Enter the name of the tenant.
  • Address: Provide the complete address of the rental property.
  • Email: Enter the tenant’s email address, if known.
  • Phone: Enter the tenant’s phone number, if known.
  • Nonpayment/Other: Check the appropriate box indicating whether the summons is due to nonpayment or other reasons.
  • Commercial/Residential: Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the property is commercial or residential.

Notice to Tenant

  • This section informs the tenant about the purpose of the complaint and subsequent court proceedings. The tenant should be advised to contact the Office of the Special Civil Part for information regarding their case and be aware of potential legal aid and housing assistance resources.

Court Officer’s Return of Service (For Court Use Only)

  • Docket Number: Enter the docket number provided by the court.
  • Date and Time: Record the date and time when the service was attempted.
  • Description of Person Served: Check the appropriate boxes and fill in details such as height, weight, age, mustache, beard, glasses, and other identifying features.
  • Name: Enter the name of the person served and their relationship to the tenant.
  • Efforts Made to Personally Serve: Describe any efforts made to serve the tenant personally.
  • Description of Premises if Posted: Provide a description of the premises if the notice was posted.
  • Certification: The Special Civil Part Officer must certify that the information is true and accurate by signing this section.

Additional Notes

  • Interpreter or Disability Accommodations: Tenants who need an interpreter or accommodations for a disability should notify the court immediately.
  • Legal and Housing Assistance: The form provides contact information for free legal advice and housing assistance for those who qualify.

Important Notes

  • Tenants are advised not to include personal identifiers such as Social Security numbers or active financial account details on this form, as it will be publicly accessible.
  • The form offers instructions for tenants needing legal help or housing assistance and outlines steps to request an interpreter or accommodations for disabilities.

Tips for Completing the Form

  • Double-check all entered information for accuracy.
  • Ensure all required fields are filled out.
  • Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.

By following these steps, you can correctly fill out the Tenancy Summons and Return of Service form, ensuring all necessary information is provided for the legal process to proceed smoothly.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

New Jersey | Tenancy Forms – Form 10822

Published On: July 10th, 2024

10822 – Tenancy Summons and Return of Service – App XI – B – New Jersey

The 10822 – Tenancy Summons and Return of Service (Appendix XI-B, R. 6:2-1) form is a legal document used by the Superior Court of New Jersey’s Law Division, Special Civil Part, in landlord-tenant disputes. Revised on July 14, 2020, this public document initiates the legal process to permanently remove a tenant and their belongings from a rental property. This form is essential for ensuring tenants are formally notified of the landlord’s legal action and for documenting the service process.

Filling out this form correctly is crucial for ensuring proper legal procedures in landlord-tenant disputes. Follow these steps to complete the form accurately:

Plaintiff or Filing Attorney Information

  • Name: Enter the full name of the plaintiff or the filing attorney.
  • NJ Attorney ID Number: If an attorney is filing, enter their New Jersey Attorney ID number.
  • Address: Provide the complete mailing address.
  • Email: Enter a valid email address for correspondence.
  • Telephone Number: Provide a phone number where the plaintiff or attorney can be reached.

Docket Number

  • Leave this section blank as it will be provided by the court.


  • Enter the full name(s) of the plaintiff(s).


  • Enter the full name(s) of the defendant(s) (tenant(s)).

Defendant Information

  • Name: Enter the name of the tenant.
  • Address: Provide the complete address of the rental property.
  • Email: Enter the tenant’s email address, if known.
  • Phone: Enter the tenant’s phone number, if known.
  • Nonpayment/Other: Check the appropriate box indicating whether the summons is due to nonpayment or other reasons.
  • Commercial/Residential: Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the property is commercial or residential.

Notice to Tenant

  • This section informs the tenant about the purpose of the complaint and subsequent court proceedings. The tenant should be advised to contact the Office of the Special Civil Part for information regarding their case and be aware of potential legal aid and housing assistance resources.

Court Officer’s Return of Service (For Court Use Only)

  • Docket Number: Enter the docket number provided by the court.
  • Date and Time: Record the date and time when the service was attempted.
  • Description of Person Served: Check the appropriate boxes and fill in details such as height, weight, age, mustache, beard, glasses, and other identifying features.
  • Name: Enter the name of the person served and their relationship to the tenant.
  • Efforts Made to Personally Serve: Describe any efforts made to serve the tenant personally.
  • Description of Premises if Posted: Provide a description of the premises if the notice was posted.
  • Certification: The Special Civil Part Officer must certify that the information is true and accurate by signing this section.

Additional Notes

  • Interpreter or Disability Accommodations: Tenants who need an interpreter or accommodations for a disability should notify the court immediately.
  • Legal and Housing Assistance: The form provides contact information for free legal advice and housing assistance for those who qualify.

Important Notes

  • Tenants are advised not to include personal identifiers such as Social Security numbers or active financial account details on this form, as it will be publicly accessible.
  • The form offers instructions for tenants needing legal help or housing assistance and outlines steps to request an interpreter or accommodations for disabilities.

Tips for Completing the Form

  • Double-check all entered information for accuracy.
  • Ensure all required fields are filled out.
  • Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.

By following these steps, you can correctly fill out the Tenancy Summons and Return of Service form, ensuring all necessary information is provided for the legal process to proceed smoothly.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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