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Legal Forms

NYC Courts | Housing Forms – CIV-GP-42

Published On: February 2nd, 2025

CIV-GP-42 – Notice of Transmittal of Transcript – New York

The “Notice of Transmittal of Transcript – CIV-GP-42” form is used in the Civil Court of the City of New York to notify the appellee (the party against whom the appeal is made) that a transcript of court proceedings is being forwarded to them. This form outlines the process and requirements for reviewing, amending, or objecting to the contents of the transcript.

Key Sections

Header Information

  • Index Number: Enter the court case index number.
  • County: Specify the county where the case is being heard.

Parties Involved

  • Claimant(s)/Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): Name the party or parties initiating the case.
  • Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): Name the party or parties against whom the case is filed.

Notice to the Appellee

  • The enclosed transcript is being forwarded as required by Section 1704 of the Civil Court Act.
  • Appellee must review the transcript and propose any amendments or objections within fifteen (15) days of service.

Amendments and Objections

  • Amendments or objections should refer to specific page and line numbers in the transcript.
  • Example: If a transcript error states an incident occurred at 3:30 PM when it was actually 2:30 PM, the proposed amendment should list the correct page, line number, and the corrected time.

Return and Service of Amendments

  • Appellee must return a copy of the proposed amendments to the appellant within fifteen (15) days.
  • Serve the proposed amendments on the appellant (the party appealing the case).

Settlement Date

  • After receiving the transcript and proposed amendments, the appellant will set a date for settlement.
  • The transcript and proposed amendments will be submitted to the judge on this date.
  • Appearance in court on the settlement date is not required.

Further Proceedings

    • Further proceedings will occur in the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court.

Instructions for Filling Out the Form

  1. County_of: Fill in the county where the case is being heard.
  2. Index_Number: Enter the case index number.
  3. Claimant_Plaintiff_Petitioner: Provide the name(s) of the party or parties initiating the case.
  4. TO: Leave blank (for the appellee’s information).
  5. Dated: Fill in the date of signing the form.
  6. Defendant_Respondent: Provide the name(s) of the party or parties against whom the case is filed.
  7. Appellant Signature and Address: Appellant (the party appealing) must sign and provide their address.

Example Entry

  • County_of: Kings
  • Index_Number: 123456/2023
  • Claimant_Plaintiff_Petitioner: John Doe
  • TO: [Leave Blank]
  • Dated: 05/24/2024
  • Defendant_Respondent: Jane Smith
  • Signature: [Appellant’s Signature]
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

This form is free, and no fee may be charged for its completion. This guide should help you accurately complete the “Notice of Transmittal of Transcript” form and understand the necessary steps following the receipt of a court transcript.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

NYC Courts | Housing Forms – CIV-GP-42

Published On: February 2nd, 2025

CIV-GP-42 – Notice of Transmittal of Transcript – New York

The “Notice of Transmittal of Transcript – CIV-GP-42” form is used in the Civil Court of the City of New York to notify the appellee (the party against whom the appeal is made) that a transcript of court proceedings is being forwarded to them. This form outlines the process and requirements for reviewing, amending, or objecting to the contents of the transcript.

Key Sections

Header Information

  • Index Number: Enter the court case index number.
  • County: Specify the county where the case is being heard.

Parties Involved

  • Claimant(s)/Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): Name the party or parties initiating the case.
  • Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): Name the party or parties against whom the case is filed.

Notice to the Appellee

  • The enclosed transcript is being forwarded as required by Section 1704 of the Civil Court Act.
  • Appellee must review the transcript and propose any amendments or objections within fifteen (15) days of service.

Amendments and Objections

  • Amendments or objections should refer to specific page and line numbers in the transcript.
  • Example: If a transcript error states an incident occurred at 3:30 PM when it was actually 2:30 PM, the proposed amendment should list the correct page, line number, and the corrected time.

Return and Service of Amendments

  • Appellee must return a copy of the proposed amendments to the appellant within fifteen (15) days.
  • Serve the proposed amendments on the appellant (the party appealing the case).

Settlement Date

  • After receiving the transcript and proposed amendments, the appellant will set a date for settlement.
  • The transcript and proposed amendments will be submitted to the judge on this date.
  • Appearance in court on the settlement date is not required.

Further Proceedings

    • Further proceedings will occur in the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court.

Instructions for Filling Out the Form

  1. County_of: Fill in the county where the case is being heard.
  2. Index_Number: Enter the case index number.
  3. Claimant_Plaintiff_Petitioner: Provide the name(s) of the party or parties initiating the case.
  4. TO: Leave blank (for the appellee’s information).
  5. Dated: Fill in the date of signing the form.
  6. Defendant_Respondent: Provide the name(s) of the party or parties against whom the case is filed.
  7. Appellant Signature and Address: Appellant (the party appealing) must sign and provide their address.

Example Entry

  • County_of: Kings
  • Index_Number: 123456/2023
  • Claimant_Plaintiff_Petitioner: John Doe
  • TO: [Leave Blank]
  • Dated: 05/24/2024
  • Defendant_Respondent: Jane Smith
  • Signature: [Appellant’s Signature]
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

This form is free, and no fee may be charged for its completion. This guide should help you accurately complete the “Notice of Transmittal of Transcript” form and understand the necessary steps following the receipt of a court transcript.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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