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Ontario Court | Legal Case – Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) – Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms

Published On: July 23rd, 2024

Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) – Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms – Ontario Court Services

The Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) is an official document used in the Superior Court of Justice, Small Claims Court in Ontario. This form is issued to inform co-owners of a debt about a garnishment action taken against a debtor. It ensures that all parties involved are informed about the garnishment process and their rights to dispute or claim the garnished funds.

Filling out Form 20G requires careful attention to detail. This guide will walk you through each section of the form to ensure accurate completion.

Part 1: Court Information

  • Claim No.: Enter the claim number assigned to the case by the Small Claims Court.
  • Garnishment No.: Enter the garnishment number associated with the garnishment order.

Part 2: Creditor Information

  • Creditor Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the creditor.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the creditor may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the creditor’s contact phone number.
  • Representative Information (if applicable)
    • Representative Name: Enter the name of the creditor’s representative.
    • Law Society of Ontario No.: Enter the representative’s Law Society of Ontario number.
    • Address: Provide the representative’s address, including street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the representative’s contact phone number.

Part 3: Debtor Information

  • Debtor Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the debtor.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the debtor may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the debtor’s contact phone number.

Part 4: Garnishee Information

  • Garnishee Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the garnishee.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the garnishee may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the garnishee’s contact phone number.

Part 5: Notice Details

  • Co-owner(s) of Debt
    • Name of Co-owner(s): Enter the name(s) of the co-owner(s) of the debt. Attach a separate sheet in the same format for additional co-owners if necessary.
    • Street and Number: Provide the address, including street number, city, province, and postal code.
  • Garnishment Information
    • Notice of Garnishment Date: Enter the date on which the Notice of Garnishment (Form 20E) was served.
    • Name of Garnishee: Enter the name of the garnishee.
    • Debt Details: Specify the type of debt (e.g., wages, salary, pension payments, rent, annuity) that the garnishee owes or will owe the debtor.

Part 6: Claim to Money

  • Instructions to Co-owner(s)
    • Inform the co-owner(s) that they have 30 days from the service of this notice to request a garnishment hearing by completing and serving a Notice of Garnishment Hearing (Form 20Q) on the creditor, debtor, and garnishee, and filing it with the clerk.

Part 7: Signature

  • Signature of Creditor or Representative
    • Date: Enter the date of signing.
    • Signature: Sign the form.
    • Name: Print the name of the person signing the form.

Important Notes

  • Changing Address: If the address for service changes, notify the court and all other parties in writing within seven calendar days.
  • Additional Forms and Materials: Obtain additional forms and self-help materials from the nearest Small Claims Court or the Ontario Court Forms website: www.ontariocourtforms.on.ca.

By following these steps and filling in the required information accurately, you can ensure that the Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) is properly completed.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Ontario Court | Legal Case – Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) – Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms

Published On: July 23rd, 2024

Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) – Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms – Ontario Court Services

The Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) is an official document used in the Superior Court of Justice, Small Claims Court in Ontario. This form is issued to inform co-owners of a debt about a garnishment action taken against a debtor. It ensures that all parties involved are informed about the garnishment process and their rights to dispute or claim the garnished funds.

Filling out Form 20G requires careful attention to detail. This guide will walk you through each section of the form to ensure accurate completion.

Part 1: Court Information

  • Claim No.: Enter the claim number assigned to the case by the Small Claims Court.
  • Garnishment No.: Enter the garnishment number associated with the garnishment order.

Part 2: Creditor Information

  • Creditor Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the creditor.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the creditor may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the creditor’s contact phone number.
  • Representative Information (if applicable)
    • Representative Name: Enter the name of the creditor’s representative.
    • Law Society of Ontario No.: Enter the representative’s Law Society of Ontario number.
    • Address: Provide the representative’s address, including street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the representative’s contact phone number.

Part 3: Debtor Information

  • Debtor Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the debtor.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the debtor may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the debtor’s contact phone number.

Part 4: Garnishee Information

  • Garnishee Name and Contact Information
    • Last Name or Company Name: Enter the last name or the name of the company of the garnishee.
    • First Name and Second Name: Enter the first and second names if applicable.
    • Also Known As: Enter any other names the garnishee may be known by.
    • Address: Provide the street number, apartment or unit number, city/town, province, postal code, and email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the garnishee’s contact phone number.

Part 5: Notice Details

  • Co-owner(s) of Debt
    • Name of Co-owner(s): Enter the name(s) of the co-owner(s) of the debt. Attach a separate sheet in the same format for additional co-owners if necessary.
    • Street and Number: Provide the address, including street number, city, province, and postal code.
  • Garnishment Information
    • Notice of Garnishment Date: Enter the date on which the Notice of Garnishment (Form 20E) was served.
    • Name of Garnishee: Enter the name of the garnishee.
    • Debt Details: Specify the type of debt (e.g., wages, salary, pension payments, rent, annuity) that the garnishee owes or will owe the debtor.

Part 6: Claim to Money

  • Instructions to Co-owner(s)
    • Inform the co-owner(s) that they have 30 days from the service of this notice to request a garnishment hearing by completing and serving a Notice of Garnishment Hearing (Form 20Q) on the creditor, debtor, and garnishee, and filing it with the clerk.

Part 7: Signature

  • Signature of Creditor or Representative
    • Date: Enter the date of signing.
    • Signature: Sign the form.
    • Name: Print the name of the person signing the form.

Important Notes

  • Changing Address: If the address for service changes, notify the court and all other parties in writing within seven calendar days.
  • Additional Forms and Materials: Obtain additional forms and self-help materials from the nearest Small Claims Court or the Ontario Court Forms website: www.ontariocourtforms.on.ca.

By following these steps and filling in the required information accurately, you can ensure that the Notice to Co-owner of Debt (Form 20G) is properly completed.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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