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Legal Forms

Tribunal Ontario | LTB: Forms – N8C

Published On: May 8th, 2024

Form N8C – Notice by the Co-op to End your Occupancy for Persistent Late Payment or Ceasing to Qualify in Ontario

The document is a legal notice titled “Notice by the Co-op to End your Occupancy for Persistent Late Payment or Ceasing to Qualify” (Form N8C) in Ontario. It serves as an official communication from a Co-operative (Co-op) to a member, informing them that their occupancy is being terminated due to either persistent late payment of monthly housing charges or because they no longer meet the qualifications for occupancy. The form includes sections specifying the reasons for termination, details about these reasons, and instructions for what the member can do if they disagree with the notice, including attending a hearing. It also outlines the process if the Co-op decides to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for eviction.

Filling out Form N8C requires careful attention to detail. To properly fill it out follow these steps:

  1. Co-op Member’s Name and Address: Begin by entering the full name of the co-op member receiving the notice and their unit address at the top of the form.
  2. Co-op Name: Fill in the name of the co-operative issuing the notice.
  3. Termination Date: Specify the date by which the member is expected to vacate the unit, ensuring it adheres to the requirement of being at least 60 days after the notice is given and coincides with the last day of a period of occupancy.
  4. Reason(s) for Ending Occupancy: Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate the reason(s) for ending the member’s occupancy, whether it is due to persistent late payment of housing charges or because the member no longer meets the qualifications for occupancy.
  5. Details About the Reasons: Provide a detailed account of the events, including dates and specifics, that have led to the issuance of this notice.
  6. Instructions for Disagreement: This section is informational, explaining the member’s rights if they disagree with the notice, including attending a hearing.
  7. Actions upon Moving Out or Co-op Applying to LTB: These sections outline the procedures if the member decides to move out by the termination date or if the Co-op applies to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for eviction.
  8. Legal Advice: Suggests that the member seek legal advice and possibly legal aid services if needed.
  9. Signatures and Representative Information: The notice must be signed by a representative of the Co-op, with their name, contact information, and any relevant company or legal service provider details included.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Tribunal Ontario | LTB: Forms – N8C

Published On: May 8th, 2024

Form N8C – Notice by the Co-op to End your Occupancy for Persistent Late Payment or Ceasing to Qualify in Ontario

The document is a legal notice titled “Notice by the Co-op to End your Occupancy for Persistent Late Payment or Ceasing to Qualify” (Form N8C) in Ontario. It serves as an official communication from a Co-operative (Co-op) to a member, informing them that their occupancy is being terminated due to either persistent late payment of monthly housing charges or because they no longer meet the qualifications for occupancy. The form includes sections specifying the reasons for termination, details about these reasons, and instructions for what the member can do if they disagree with the notice, including attending a hearing. It also outlines the process if the Co-op decides to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for eviction.

Filling out Form N8C requires careful attention to detail. To properly fill it out follow these steps:

  1. Co-op Member’s Name and Address: Begin by entering the full name of the co-op member receiving the notice and their unit address at the top of the form.
  2. Co-op Name: Fill in the name of the co-operative issuing the notice.
  3. Termination Date: Specify the date by which the member is expected to vacate the unit, ensuring it adheres to the requirement of being at least 60 days after the notice is given and coincides with the last day of a period of occupancy.
  4. Reason(s) for Ending Occupancy: Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate the reason(s) for ending the member’s occupancy, whether it is due to persistent late payment of housing charges or because the member no longer meets the qualifications for occupancy.
  5. Details About the Reasons: Provide a detailed account of the events, including dates and specifics, that have led to the issuance of this notice.
  6. Instructions for Disagreement: This section is informational, explaining the member’s rights if they disagree with the notice, including attending a hearing.
  7. Actions upon Moving Out or Co-op Applying to LTB: These sections outline the procedures if the member decides to move out by the termination date or if the Co-op applies to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for eviction.
  8. Legal Advice: Suggests that the member seek legal advice and possibly legal aid services if needed.
  9. Signatures and Representative Information: The notice must be signed by a representative of the Co-op, with their name, contact information, and any relevant company or legal service provider details included.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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