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Tribunal Ontario | LTB: Forms – Void an Eviction Order

Published On: June 10th, 2024

Co-op Member’s Motion to Void an Eviction Order for Arrears of Housing Charges in Ontario

“Co-op Member’s Motion to Void an Eviction Order for Arrears of Housing Charges” form provides a detailed procedure for co-op members on how to void an eviction order due to arrears of housing charges. It outlines steps for payment to avoid eviction, filing motions with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), and the necessary documentation. The form also explains the consequences of failing to meet the required payments and the process that follows after filing the motion including the potential for hearings and the final decision on the eviction order’s validity.

To successfully fill out the co-opt tenant rights Ontario, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Purpose: This form is used to void an eviction order due to non-payment of housing charges. To use it, you must have paid all the money owed according to the eviction order before the Sheriff carries out the eviction.
  2. Pay the Required Amount: The eviction order will specify the total amount owed. Payment can be made directly to the Co-op, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), or split between both, as long as the full amount is paid.
  3. Fill Out the Motion and Declaration: Complete all sections of the motion and the attached declaration form. It is crucial to fill these out accurately and entirely, as missing or incorrect information could impact the LTB’s decision. For the declaration, list only the payments made after your hearing. The order should already account for payments made before your hearing.
  4. File the Motion, Declaration, and Proof of Payment(s): Submit these documents to the LTB. There is no charge for filing a motion. If you have proof of payment (e.g., receipts, bank deposit slips), include these as well.
  5. After Filing: The LTB’s action will depend on the timing of your payments.
    • If all payments were made before the Co-op could file the eviction order with the Sheriff, the LTB might decide without a hearing and notify both parties of the decision.
    • If any payments were made after this date, the LTB will schedule a hearing and subsequently inform you of the eviction order’s status.
  1. Signatures and Documentation: Ensure that all required signatures are on the form and that you include any supporting documents that demonstrate the payments made.
  2. Beware of Misinformation: It is illegal to submit false or misleading information to the LTB.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Tribunal Ontario | LTB: Forms – Void an Eviction Order

Published On: June 10th, 2024

Co-op Member’s Motion to Void an Eviction Order for Arrears of Housing Charges in Ontario

“Co-op Member’s Motion to Void an Eviction Order for Arrears of Housing Charges” form provides a detailed procedure for co-op members on how to void an eviction order due to arrears of housing charges. It outlines steps for payment to avoid eviction, filing motions with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), and the necessary documentation. The form also explains the consequences of failing to meet the required payments and the process that follows after filing the motion including the potential for hearings and the final decision on the eviction order’s validity.

To successfully fill out the co-opt tenant rights Ontario, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Purpose: This form is used to void an eviction order due to non-payment of housing charges. To use it, you must have paid all the money owed according to the eviction order before the Sheriff carries out the eviction.
  2. Pay the Required Amount: The eviction order will specify the total amount owed. Payment can be made directly to the Co-op, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), or split between both, as long as the full amount is paid.
  3. Fill Out the Motion and Declaration: Complete all sections of the motion and the attached declaration form. It is crucial to fill these out accurately and entirely, as missing or incorrect information could impact the LTB’s decision. For the declaration, list only the payments made after your hearing. The order should already account for payments made before your hearing.
  4. File the Motion, Declaration, and Proof of Payment(s): Submit these documents to the LTB. There is no charge for filing a motion. If you have proof of payment (e.g., receipts, bank deposit slips), include these as well.
  5. After Filing: The LTB’s action will depend on the timing of your payments.
    • If all payments were made before the Co-op could file the eviction order with the Sheriff, the LTB might decide without a hearing and notify both parties of the decision.
    • If any payments were made after this date, the LTB will schedule a hearing and subsequently inform you of the eviction order’s status.
  1. Signatures and Documentation: Ensure that all required signatures are on the form and that you include any supporting documents that demonstrate the payments made.
  2. Beware of Misinformation: It is illegal to submit false or misleading information to the LTB.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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