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Washington DC Courts | Legal Forms – Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial

Published On: June 13th, 2024

Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial

Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial, designated as L&T Form 6(b), is issued by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division, Landlord and Tenant Branch. It serves as an official notification to a commercial tenant regarding a default or judgment for possession due to nonpayment of rent. The form outlines the necessary steps and amounts required for the tenant to avoid eviction. This form ensures that tenants are properly informed of the financial requirements needed to prevent eviction and provides a structured process for both landlords and tenants to follow.

This guide will assist you in completing this form issued by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division, Landlord and Tenant Branch.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Court Information
    • Ensure the form header includes the correct court name and address:
      • Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division-Landlord and Tenant Branch
      • Bldg. B, 510 4th Street, NW, RM. 110, Washington, DC 20001
      • Telephone: (202) 879-4879
  2. Case Details
    • Case Number: Enter the case number associated with this eviction notice.
    • Plaintiff/Landlord: Enter the full name of the landlord or the plaintiff.
    • Defendant/Tenant: Enter the full name of the tenant or the defendant.
  3. Notice to Tenant
    • Check the appropriate box indicating whether this is a default or a judgment for possession due to nonpayment of rent.
    • Enter the date on which the default or judgment was entered against the tenant.
  4. Amounts Owed
    • (a) Rent
      • Enter the monthly rent amount.
      • Enter the number of months for which rent is owed.
      • Calculate and enter any additional partial payments owed.
      • Total these amounts to show the total rent owed.
    • (b) Court Costs
      • Enter the total court costs incurred.
    • (c) Late Fees
      • Enter the monthly late fee amount.
      • Enter the number of months for which late fees are owed.
      • Calculate and enter any additional partial payments owed.
      • Total these amounts to show the total late fee owed (ensure a judge approves this section).
    • (d) Other Costs
      • Specify any other costs owed and their purposes.
      • Calculate and enter the total other costs (ensure a judge approves this section).
    • (e) Total Amount to Avoid Eviction
      • Enter the date as of which the total amount to avoid eviction is calculated.
      • Add the totals from sections (a), (b), (c), and (d) to determine the overall amount the tenant must pay to avoid eviction.
  5. Incremental Increases
    • Indicate the monthly rent amount and any late fees that will be added each month according to the lease agreement.
    • Note that an additional $18 will be added if a writ of restitution is filed.
    • Note that an additional $195 will be added if the U.S. Marshals Service arrives to conduct the eviction.
  6. Certification
    • Signature of Plaintiff/Landlord or Agent/Attorney: The landlord or their authorized agent/attorney must sign this section, certifying the accuracy of the information provided under penalty of perjury.
    • Date: Enter the date on which the certification is signed.
    • Court Approval: If applicable, the presiding judge in the Landlord and Tenant Branch must sign this section.
    • Date: Enter the date the judge signs the approval.
  7. Mailing Information
    • Date Mailed: Enter the date this form was mailed to the tenant by the Landlord and Tenant Branch Clerk’s Office.
    • Mailed to: Enter the tenant’s full mailing address.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure all calculations are accurate and double-check all amounts entered.
  • The tenant should be provided a copy of this form promptly.
  • If you disagree with the amounts listed, you should come to court immediately with any evidence and file an Application to Reduce Payment Required to Avoid Eviction.
  • This form must be filed within seven calendar days of the entry of a default or judgment.

By following these steps, you will be able to accurately complete the “Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial” form, ensuring that all necessary information is provided to both the tenant and the court.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Washington DC Courts | Legal Forms – Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial

Published On: June 13th, 2024

Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial

Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial, designated as L&T Form 6(b), is issued by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division, Landlord and Tenant Branch. It serves as an official notification to a commercial tenant regarding a default or judgment for possession due to nonpayment of rent. The form outlines the necessary steps and amounts required for the tenant to avoid eviction. This form ensures that tenants are properly informed of the financial requirements needed to prevent eviction and provides a structured process for both landlords and tenants to follow.

This guide will assist you in completing this form issued by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division, Landlord and Tenant Branch.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Court Information
    • Ensure the form header includes the correct court name and address:
      • Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division-Landlord and Tenant Branch
      • Bldg. B, 510 4th Street, NW, RM. 110, Washington, DC 20001
      • Telephone: (202) 879-4879
  2. Case Details
    • Case Number: Enter the case number associated with this eviction notice.
    • Plaintiff/Landlord: Enter the full name of the landlord or the plaintiff.
    • Defendant/Tenant: Enter the full name of the tenant or the defendant.
  3. Notice to Tenant
    • Check the appropriate box indicating whether this is a default or a judgment for possession due to nonpayment of rent.
    • Enter the date on which the default or judgment was entered against the tenant.
  4. Amounts Owed
    • (a) Rent
      • Enter the monthly rent amount.
      • Enter the number of months for which rent is owed.
      • Calculate and enter any additional partial payments owed.
      • Total these amounts to show the total rent owed.
    • (b) Court Costs
      • Enter the total court costs incurred.
    • (c) Late Fees
      • Enter the monthly late fee amount.
      • Enter the number of months for which late fees are owed.
      • Calculate and enter any additional partial payments owed.
      • Total these amounts to show the total late fee owed (ensure a judge approves this section).
    • (d) Other Costs
      • Specify any other costs owed and their purposes.
      • Calculate and enter the total other costs (ensure a judge approves this section).
    • (e) Total Amount to Avoid Eviction
      • Enter the date as of which the total amount to avoid eviction is calculated.
      • Add the totals from sections (a), (b), (c), and (d) to determine the overall amount the tenant must pay to avoid eviction.
  5. Incremental Increases
    • Indicate the monthly rent amount and any late fees that will be added each month according to the lease agreement.
    • Note that an additional $18 will be added if a writ of restitution is filed.
    • Note that an additional $195 will be added if the U.S. Marshals Service arrives to conduct the eviction.
  6. Certification
    • Signature of Plaintiff/Landlord or Agent/Attorney: The landlord or their authorized agent/attorney must sign this section, certifying the accuracy of the information provided under penalty of perjury.
    • Date: Enter the date on which the certification is signed.
    • Court Approval: If applicable, the presiding judge in the Landlord and Tenant Branch must sign this section.
    • Date: Enter the date the judge signs the approval.
  7. Mailing Information
    • Date Mailed: Enter the date this form was mailed to the tenant by the Landlord and Tenant Branch Clerk’s Office.
    • Mailed to: Enter the tenant’s full mailing address.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure all calculations are accurate and double-check all amounts entered.
  • The tenant should be provided a copy of this form promptly.
  • If you disagree with the amounts listed, you should come to court immediately with any evidence and file an Application to Reduce Payment Required to Avoid Eviction.
  • This form must be filed within seven calendar days of the entry of a default or judgment.

By following these steps, you will be able to accurately complete the “Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to Avoid Eviction Commercial” form, ensuring that all necessary information is provided to both the tenant and the court.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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