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Florida Bar | Pinellas County – Nonmilitary Affidavit

Published On: June 12th, 2024

Nonmilitary Affidavit – Pinellas County Florida

The “Nonmilitary Affidavit” (Form 81) for Pinellas County, Florida, is a legal document used in landlord-tenant cases. Nonmilitary Affidavit form is typically completed by landlords to declare that a tenant is not a member of the military. Such a declaration is important in legal proceedings to ensure that the protections offered under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) do not apply to the tenant, which may influence the case’s proceedings, especially in eviction cases.

This document is essential in the judicial process to confirm the military status of a tenant, thereby ensuring that any legal actions taken comply with federal laws regarding servicemembers.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the non military affidavit for Pinellas County, Florida:

  1. Landlord Details
  • LANDLORD: Enter the full name of the landlord or the property management company’s legal name that is initiating the affidavit.
  1. Case Number
  • CASE NUMBER: Provide the case number as assigned by the court. This is typically provided to you by the court or found on related legal documents for the case.
  1. Person Signing
  • PERSON SIGNING: Write the full name of the individual who is filling out and signing the affidavit. This could be the landlord themselves or a representative acting on behalf of the landlord (such as an attorney or property manager).
  1. Tenant Details
  • TENANT(S): List the full name(s) of the tenant(s) involved in the case. Ensure that names are spelled correctly as they appear on the lease and other legal documents.
  1. Date Signed
  • DATE SIGNED: Enter the date on which the affidavit is being signed. Ensure this date is accurate as it signifies when the affidavit was officially declared.
  1. Printed Name
  • PRINTED NAME: Print the name of the person signing the affidavit to clarify any possible handwriting ambiguities in the “PERSON SIGNING” field.
  1. Signed Address
  • SIGNED ADDRESS: Provide the full address where the affidavit is being signed. This may be the office address or the location from which the landlord or their agent is operating.
  1. Signer Address Continued
  • SIGNER ADDRESS CONT: If the address is too long or needs additional details such as suite or apartment number, continue the address in this field.

Additional Instructions

  • Accuracy: Double-check all entries for accuracy. Incorrect information could affect the legal process.
  • Verification: Ensure that the signer of the affidavit verifies that the tenant is not a current member of the military to the best of their knowledge. Misrepresentation can have legal consequences.
  • Submission: Follow the specific submission guidelines provided by the court or legal entity requesting the affidavit. This might involve submitting the form in person, by mail, or electronically.

Final Steps

After filling out the form, review all the information to ensure everything is correct and complete. The form may need to be notarized, depending on the court’s requirements, so check if this is necessary before submitting the document.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

Florida Bar | Pinellas County – Nonmilitary Affidavit

Published On: June 12th, 2024

Nonmilitary Affidavit – Pinellas County Florida

The “Nonmilitary Affidavit” (Form 81) for Pinellas County, Florida, is a legal document used in landlord-tenant cases. Nonmilitary Affidavit form is typically completed by landlords to declare that a tenant is not a member of the military. Such a declaration is important in legal proceedings to ensure that the protections offered under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) do not apply to the tenant, which may influence the case’s proceedings, especially in eviction cases.

This document is essential in the judicial process to confirm the military status of a tenant, thereby ensuring that any legal actions taken comply with federal laws regarding servicemembers.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the non military affidavit for Pinellas County, Florida:

  1. Landlord Details
  • LANDLORD: Enter the full name of the landlord or the property management company’s legal name that is initiating the affidavit.
  1. Case Number
  • CASE NUMBER: Provide the case number as assigned by the court. This is typically provided to you by the court or found on related legal documents for the case.
  1. Person Signing
  • PERSON SIGNING: Write the full name of the individual who is filling out and signing the affidavit. This could be the landlord themselves or a representative acting on behalf of the landlord (such as an attorney or property manager).
  1. Tenant Details
  • TENANT(S): List the full name(s) of the tenant(s) involved in the case. Ensure that names are spelled correctly as they appear on the lease and other legal documents.
  1. Date Signed
  • DATE SIGNED: Enter the date on which the affidavit is being signed. Ensure this date is accurate as it signifies when the affidavit was officially declared.
  1. Printed Name
  • PRINTED NAME: Print the name of the person signing the affidavit to clarify any possible handwriting ambiguities in the “PERSON SIGNING” field.
  1. Signed Address
  • SIGNED ADDRESS: Provide the full address where the affidavit is being signed. This may be the office address or the location from which the landlord or their agent is operating.
  1. Signer Address Continued
  • SIGNER ADDRESS CONT: If the address is too long or needs additional details such as suite or apartment number, continue the address in this field.

Additional Instructions

  • Accuracy: Double-check all entries for accuracy. Incorrect information could affect the legal process.
  • Verification: Ensure that the signer of the affidavit verifies that the tenant is not a current member of the military to the best of their knowledge. Misrepresentation can have legal consequences.
  • Submission: Follow the specific submission guidelines provided by the court or legal entity requesting the affidavit. This might involve submitting the form in person, by mail, or electronically.

Final Steps

After filling out the form, review all the information to ensure everything is correct and complete. The form may need to be notarized, depending on the court’s requirements, so check if this is necessary before submitting the document.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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